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Reliance Home Comfort - Howard Sly Memorial Golf Tournament
Enbridge - August Golf Tournament

Become A Member

Interested in becoming a member of the Kingston Home Builders Association you must first complete a New Member Application form and submit it to us. Once your application has been received and verified, it will be submitted for approval to the KHBA's Board of Directors and you will be informed of the results.

As a member of the KHBA, you will be bound by the Association's Code of Ethics, and By-Laws.   

Annual membership cycle is November 1 - October 31 each year. A cheque, (refundable if your application is not approved), for your annual membership fee including HST must be submitted with your application.

Our Fees: 2018- 2019 Year

KHBA Member:  $395.00 + HST

KFHBA Member: $1125.00 + HST - Builder/Developer ( CHBA & OHBA Fees included) 

Already ready to apply for membership?
Complete the Application form from the attached link below and you'll be on your way to membership in no time.

Email the completed form. 

Application form:

If you have any question, please contact Alexandrina Pacheco, Executive Officer at 613-547-0986 for more information.